"He didn't drop one tear"

"He didn't drop one tear"

by digby

Oh dear lord, this makes me feel like crying:

There are pictures of this little boy at the link --- he's a baby really, only 4 years old --- with bloody cuts all over his thighs.

Adrian Peterson released a statement saying that he is not a child abuser. But it's quite clear from that text message in which he is proud that his horrible beating did not produce any tears from his tiny little son (as well as the somewhat depraved act of forcing leaves into his son's mouth as he whipped him with a piece of wood) show that he is, even if he's never thought to define himself that way. It's a sick power trip that would make a 6'1 inch 220 pound professional athlete draw blood on a 4 year old as a punishment, regardless of how he rationalizes his intention.

I understand that there's a chance he's so damaged himself that he truly didn't know any better. But that doesn't mitigate the essential cruelty of his act or his attitude about it.

That poor little guy couldn't even let himself cry.

Update:  This by Will Saletan
